Life is getting real.
Somehow in the blink of an eye, we went from Lunchables, climbing trees, and all the simpler things that back then felt like conquering the world. To now, the recurring realization that in a matter of 2 and a half months somehow, we will be adults and we will decide the path we take, and the choices we make that will determine our future.
Scary right?
It doesn’t have to be.
Just like many other parts of our lives…whether that’s a new school year, moving houses, or starting a new sports season, changes like this can feel very stressful and consuming at times. Even though graduating high school and becoming an adult is arguably one of the most exciting and stressful times of our lives thus far, we have to approach it just like how we approach any big change.

If we look at the big picture and all the obstacles upcoming and fears we have for the future, graduating can feel extremely scary. It is natural to have fears and worries about starting a new chapter in life and questioning plans and goals. However, it’s so important we remember a few key things:
Things take time and reaching goals is a process and not something that happens overnight.
Mistakes are okay, no one has it all figured out.
Taking each day at a time and learning as you go is all you can do. Your best is enough.
Everyone has different goals and paths for their future, don’t compare yourself and your goals to others, don’t doubt what you can accomplish!
This is a time to be excited, not stressed! Your dreams and ambitions are possible, you are capable of amazing things.
According to some SRA students and their thoughts and feelings about graduation:
Senior Boston Page said, “Somehow I feel like high school has been dragging on, and yet my first day of freshman year was only yesterday. It’s a weird sort of feeling. That being said, I am so excited to graduate.” Page laments. “ However, I think the biggest fears for me personally are what if my plan falls through or what if I hate my major and have to switch it I think I’m most excited about having more freedom, it may seem childish but I’m ready to be able to dye my hair crazy colors without having to stay in the dress code.”
Allyson Berghaus, a senior, said “This year has definitely flown by way too fast. It is insane to think about how just a few years ago I was excited about going to high school. Graduating in just a few months is both extremely exciting and terrifying, I think fears come with planning for your future. I have spent hours thinking about what could go wrong. The fear of failure is always present in my mind but I just have to try my best to push past it.”

Berghaus goes on to say, “I am most excited about being an independent adult. I am excited about starting a journey in my life that does not feel as restricted as it did in my high school years.”
The clock is ticking and regardless of whatever fears we may have about starting a new chapter in life, we have this opportunity to enjoy the rest of our senior year and find things to be excited about for the future. I implore you all to foster your excitement and ambitions rather than let your fears and worries drive your outlook on graduation.