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The Student News Site of Santa Rosa Academy

The Lasso

The Student News Site of Santa Rosa Academy

The Lasso

The Student News Site of Santa Rosa Academy

The Lasso

Gray Lee

Gray Lee, Podcast Editor

Gray Lee is a freshman at Santa Rosa Academy. She is 14 years old. This is her first year as a journalist! Gray takes English, Spanish and Graphic Design at SRA. In her future, she intends to pursue being a genetic engineer. Gray has a plan to attend an Ivy League College after high school.  Her dream schools include Cal Poly University, Yale University, Brown, and Harvard. She would also love to go to university in England. Gray’s parents were both immigrants that came to this country — her mom is from Guatemala and her stepdad is from Italy. In Gray’s free time, she enjoys traditional art, baking, sports, and costume design. Gray also enjoys instruments. She is currently playing the piano and guitar.  Music is also a big part of Gray’s life. Her favorite artists are Tyler the Creator and Tv Girl, her favorite album is also Wolf by Tyler the Creator.  Gray’s favorite movies include The Spiderverse trilogy, The Trueman Show, and Harry Potter. Her favorite tv show is South Park.  Writing and reading are huge passions of Gray’s. It is one of the reasons she chose to enroll in Journalism this year. Gray has always loved literature and been advanced in writing, so she felt that Journalism would be a great opportunity for her to showcase her writing skills. Gray hopes that she can expand on her writing skills and learn more about journalistic writing. 

All content by Gray Lee
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