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The Student News Site of Santa Rosa Academy

The Lasso

The Student News Site of Santa Rosa Academy

The Lasso

Sunny Side Up: Prioritizing Productivity In The Summer

As the summer rolls around and the school year comes to an end it can be hard to fill the newfound free time we have as we are no longer at school. It’s important to remain productive and fill our time with activities that help us keep a positive mindset, mental state, and attitude.

Many students at Santa Rosa shared a variety of different activities and hobbies they have that help them stay productive during the summer.

As the summer rolls around and the school year comes to an end it can be hard to fill the newfound free time we have as we are no longer at school. It’s important to remain productive and fill our time with activities that help us keep a positive mindset, mental state, and attitude. (Leilani Dowding)

According to Anothony Marlow, Santa Rosa sophomore, “I stay productive in the summer by working and sticking to a routine. . . Often I go ride dirt bikes, which is something I’ve always enjoyed doing in the summertime,” he said.

According to Harley Andreson, Santa Rosa junior, “In the summer I enjoy volunteering and helping out the community as well as working and doing a summer job to fill my time,”

Being productive in the summer is important as well as keeping a routine that will make coming back to school in the fall, or venturing out into adulthood, for the seniors much easier. Letting go of our routine or not being productive will make the inevitable return from summer vacation much more difficult.

According to Ben McCauley, Santa Rosa Senior, “I describe myself as a freak of nature because in the summer the only thing I plan to do is write music and hopefully make another song” “Something that also helps me when thinking about summer and how I will stay productive is coming up with a set plan of all the things I plan to do.” He said

According to Danika Ivancic, Santa Rosa Junior, “During the summer I try to keep myself as busy as possible by making plans with friends.” “Being productive in the summer is important for me because it keeps me from staying in bed all day.”

Many ideas and activities are available to us to keep us productive during the summer. Activities like working, volunteering, swimming, and exercising are all great outlets and things we can participate in to ensure we fill our summer with as much productivity as possible! (Leilani Dowding)

Many ideas and activities are available to us to keep us productive during the summer. According to these Santa Rosa students, activities like working, volunteering, swimming, and exercising are all great outlets and things we can participate in to ensure we fill our summer with as much productivity as possible!

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About the Contributor
Leilani Dowding
Leilani Dowding, Staff Writer
Leilani Dowding is a Senior at Santa Rosa Academy. Leilani often writes poetry and paints. She is a very creative individual. Leilani loves animals and nature and spends her free time traveling and exploring. Leilani has traveled all over the United States and plans to travel internationally after graduating high school. For a career, Leilani plans to be a CBT therapist (cognitive behavioral therapist) and is very passionate about helping others. 
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