On May 17th, Billie Eilish released her highly anticipated third studio album as a solo artist titled, “HIT ME HARD AND SOFT”. It consists of 10 progressive/alternative pop songs, running the album at 45:43. Leading up to this album she began teasing the album on billboards. On April 8th she announced this album via Instagram, while simultaneously announcing the HIT ME HARD AND SOFT tour. Which is set to start on Sep. 29, 2024, in Quebec City, Canada.

Eilish began to preview songs from the album at Coachella on Apr 13, 2024. Like Eilish’s previous albums, her brother Finnious O’Connell is her sole producer. Eilish’s career is at an all-time high, with her release of previous albums. From her debut, “When We Fall Asleep Where Do We Go?” to her sophomore album “Happier Than Ever”. While also coming off her second Oscar win in March 2024, becoming the youngest person to win two Academy Awards.
The album HIT ME HARD AND SOFT, is a thought-provoking introspective look into Eilish’s life. In the album, she discusses her insecurities while giving a mature perspective on sensitive topics such as body image and sexuality. While listening to the album you gain an insight into the life of a 22-year-old woman. It traverses the themes of heartbreak and self-love.

I asked SRA students their thoughts on Billie Eilish’s new album, Here’s what they had to say.
SRA freshman Gray Lee said, “I like the beats and I believe that she still has the same feel as she did before, just in a new era in life.”
SRA freshman Skye Sanchez said, “My younger self would have loved the album because it sounds the same as all her other music. I didn’t know it was possible to have that many songs and you can always guess who made the song. It made me feel like I was listening to a Billie Eilish album.”
Ellish’s album has made a tremendous impact on listeners and it will be interesting to see how the album rolls out in the future.