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The Student News Site of Santa Rosa Academy

The Lasso

The Student News Site of Santa Rosa Academy

The Lasso

The Student News Site of Santa Rosa Academy

The Lasso


The Lasso by Santa Rosa Press is the official student news site of Santa Rosa Academy in Menifee, CA. The Lasso team produces online magazines, podcast episodes, and news stories throughout the school year.  Journalism is an English elective course available to all students at SRA and meets in Cabrillo 5107 under the supervision of the advisor, Brittney Cairns. The opinions expressed throughout The Lasso are not necessarily those of Santa Rosa Academy or the board of directors. 

The 2023-2024 school year will be The Lasso’s first year in existence.  The publication is a member of the following press associations:

Journalism Education Association

Southern California Journalism Education Association


The Lasso Mission Statement

The Lasso, by SRA Press, is a student news source that aims to inform the student body of Santa Rosa Academy with unbiased truth on news, diverse perspectives, updates on sports, clubs, honor societies and the people that make-up the SRA community. SRA Press is dedicated to producing content that is journalistically responsible, ethically gathered and edited while promoting democratic citizenship through diverse public engagement.

SRA Press makes every effort to avoid printing libel, obscenities, innuendo and material that threatens to disrupt the learning process or is an invasion of privacy. The staff avoids electronic manipulation that alters the truth of a photograph without indicating that the photograph is an illustration.

The Lasso serves the student body and greater SRA community with integrity and justice, and aims to:

I. Protect First Amendment rights to freedom of speech, promoting the free flow of information.

II. Drive a quest for diversity in opinion and opportunity to express such opinions through an organized and distinguished publication.

III. Advocate for voices often unheard by elucidating points of contention among the student population.

IV. Teach and provide valuable experience to individuals contemplating careers within the realm of journalism.

V. Inform, entertain, and communicate with the public so as to promote the existence of a well-informed SRA community.

The Lasso welcomes reader input. Please send any letters, articles, comments or corrections to [email protected], mail to 27587 La Piedra Rd, Menifee, CA 92584 or drop them off in RM 5107 with adviser Brittney Cairns or any editor. Letters must be signed, and emailed letters will require verification before publication. We will not necessarily publish all letters received and reserve the right to edit for length and clarity.

Comments are welcome as a means of sharing experiences, suggesting improvements, responding to polls/questions or engaging in the conversation. Comments will be reviewed by the adviser prior to being posted publicly. To ensure that exchanges are informative, respectful and lawful, we will NOT post comments that are:

  • Off topic. We will exclude comments not related to the subject.
  • Spam. Comments focused on selling a product or service will not be posted.
  • Personal attacks. If you disagree with a post, we’d like to hear from you. We ask that you refrain from personal attacks or being disrespectful of others.
  • Illegal. Laws that govern use of copyrights, trade secrets, student and staff confidentiality, etc., will be followed. No comments that suggest or encourage illegal activity or activities that violate school behavior guides will be posted. Comments regarding a personal issue with the district, a school or staff member will not be posted. Comments regarding a student discipline will not be posted.
  • Language. Comments including, but not limited to: profane or provocative language, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive or derogatory content, threats, obscene or sexually explicit language will be excluded.
  • Not factual. Blatantly inaccurate information will not be allowed. False information will be removed and factual information will be posted.
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