Santa Rosa Academy boys soccer team makes it to CIF! This past season has been another successful season for most of their players.
Although the team as a whole may have not had their best season on paper, it was a growing year for their team and they were able to pull through and make it to CIF. Last year, there were nine seniors who graduated. This season the team gained a few varsity players and this year was the first year they ever were able to have a Junior Varsity team. In total, the roster may have lost nine but it gained 24 new players!

The team has grown tremendously and have a bright couple of seasons ahead of them. One of the players who has helped tremendously is junior, Christopher (CJ) Sperling. According to maxpreps, Sperling is ranked 6th in the nation and 4th in the state for the most saves. He has 258 saves this season and averages about 12 saves per game.
The Rangers have some great players in the front line like Sophomore Eric Shauer and Freshman Taelen Thompson. Although the team is full of great players, these boys stand out. At a young age they can keep up with older players and even outperform them at times.
If you’ve seen one of the Rangers soccer games then you have seen one of Taelens celebrations. Everytime Taelen scores a goal, he does a standing backflip to make the goals memorable.

Sadly, the team will be losing three Seniors this year. Jesus (Omar) Gonzalez, Parker Palowski, and Adam Reeves have all been playing for the last seven years. While Adam and Omar played back line this season, Parker was up top in the front line.
The Rangers will look to have their 1st CIF game against Pilgrim Panthers from Los Angeles, California at 3:00 P.M. Come out and support your Rangers!