Many U.S. military branches specialize in their own things, but there is one very controversial branch that has been recently created, and almost no one has heard about it or believes it is needed. This military is known as the United States Space Force (USSF)
“Semper Sumpra,” the USSF motto that means “Always Above,” is the Space Force’s motto and the official marching song. The Space Force is a branch of the United States Air Force, led by the Chief of Space Operations, General B. Chance Saltzman. According to the official website, their mission is to, “Secure our Nation’s interests in, from, and to space.”
Allan Guzman, a Menifee resident, shared what he thinks about the Space Force, “I think right now it’s a waste of time but maybe in the future it would be useful,” said Guzman.
Clearly, most people think that the space force is a complete waste of time. Most people believe that the Space Force does absolutely nothing for our country but that is not completely true. The branch isn’t just limited to space, but they have actually participated in multiple wars since the Vietnam War.
So, maybe the Space Force isn’t completely useless, but how does their military work? Well, since the world isn’t technologically capable of launching space assaults yet, the Space Force has six bases around the US where they launch Satellites for the Department of Defense. But since technology is quickly evolving, the Space Force is prepared for any threats that come from space. So, do you think the Space Force is actually needed, or is it just a waste of time and money?