The beloved video game series, Five Nights at Freddy’s, has been an internet sensation ever since its release date. It is a horror game that revolves around a character named Mike who begins working as a security guard at Freddy Fazber’s Pizza. He later finds out that the animatronics move at night and kill anyone they see. Many fans describe it as exciting, thrilling, and scary. It has helped create a platform for many YouTubers and other streamers. The game was created by Scott Cawthon, a video game developer and writer. Cawthon’s goal was to create a fun, Christian game for families to enjoy. Despite the popularity of the game, the question remains: will the film adaptation prove to be successful?
A review from Common Sense Media states, “I personally think this is one of the best horror games ever created. As a girl who absolutely adores the horror genre, I think the jump scares are fun to experience and the backstory intrigues me a lot.”
Although the game was a big hit, the movie has had a bit of controversy. Recently many fans argue that the movie did not live up to the hype that the trailer did. They say it lacks to show the character development and fails to capture the frightening atmosphere of the game. The implementation of jump scares were un-intimidating.
“As someone who really loves the Five Nights at Freddy’s game, the movie left me disappointed. There was no gore or blood so the rating of PG13 was practically pointless. There were moments in the movie that made me feel like I was watching a children’s show.”, Kiylah Clark, seventh grade, states.
The negative reviews have sparked a big debate among fans, yet some are still excited to see the animatronic characters come to life.
A Google review states, “Film was great, all the animatronics were well made. Abbies actor killed it and made mostly everyone in the cinema laugh whenever she made a joke.”
Many fans believe the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie has failed to live up to the expectations, while some really enjoyed seeing their favorite game transformed into a movie they believe was worth seeing. These mixed reviews have scored the movie a six out of ten Google reviews.