In many foods advertised and sold across the United States, food dyes are almost always present. With concerns over these dyes and their effects on the human body, additional concern has risen about their origin and legitimacy. Some of the dyes that have gained more attention than others are Red 40, Blue 2, and Yellow 5.
According to U.S. News, along with other studies, Red 40 and Yellow 5 both contain benzidine, which has been directly linked to several different types of cancers. Red 40, also known as Allura Red, has been banned from the UK and Switzerland.

A particular dye that has flown under the radar is Red 4, also known as carmine. Carmine is made from cochineals, specifically female cochineals. Cochineals are a parasitic bug that creates a bright red dye when crushed up. Carmine can be found in many different things, even products that aren’t bright red. It can also be used to achieve different shades of red, not just brightly colored food.
Many ingredients in foods aren’t common knowledge to the people. So, why do we eat these foods despite not knowing what they contain? For example, as a replacement for sugar, diet sodas contain aspartame. The long-term effects of the consumption of aspartame are not yet documented due to diet sodas still being a fairly “recent” invention. There has been research that states that aspartame should be deemed carcinogenic, which means that it has the potential to cause or increase the risk of cancer. This is stated and backed by the American Cancer Society, which has a positive reputation.
People should know what they consume, even it it’s a surface level understanding of the ingredients, it it still better than remaining in blissful ignorance of what our food contains. With a handful of ingredients being banned in other countries, why aren’t they looked into more? Why do we consume potential poison? Be mindful of what you eat, and be informed.