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The Student News Site of Santa Rosa Academy

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SRA Theater Presents: “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown”

What does being part of a team mean to you?

This was one of the questions asked to the cast of SRA Theater’s most recent production, “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown,” a musical based on Charles M. Schulz’s comic strip Peanuts. The musical was written by Clark Gesner, John Gordon, and Andrew Lippa.

Roles were cast in late January of this year, with rehearsals held almost every weekday up until the performances on April 26th and 27th. There was a great turnout for the evening show on Friday, as well as for both the afternoon and evening shows on Saturday. The cast and crew worked very hard to make this happen.

“Being part of a team is a wonderful experience, I’m very happy how much camaraderie and friendships happened by forcing us to work together every day,” replies Audrey Matthews, the sole ensemble member of the cast. Matthews played both the rabbit and the Little Red-Haired Girl.

“Being part of a team to me meant being a part of something big, this was the first musical I have ever been in,” says Carter Cafaro, who was cast as Schroeder, everyone’s favorite Beethoven superfan. When he isn’t practicing on his piano or studying Beethoven’s Sonatas, he’s right at the side of the main characters as one of their close friends. Cafaro’s character had many spotlights in the musical, such as in the song “Beethoven Day”.

“Being part of a team to me means helping each other rehearse and get better every day,” answers Korynn Steenhoek, who initially was a member of the ensemble before taking on the role of Sally Brown. Steenhoek’s character is featured several times throwing high notes and facing struggles with school. Her passionate character amused the audience in her spotlights such as “My New Philosophy”.

“Being part of a team means you can depend on them and they can depend on you, and you all share this particular bond that no one else outside the team has.” Addresses Makayla Penner, who was cast as Lucy Van Pelt. Penner’s character starred in many musical numbers such as “Schroeder” and “Little Known Facts”. She entertained the audience with the snide, crabby personality and splintering voice of Lucy.

“Being in a team means to contribute and help to a degree where you’re making a difference.” Answers Christian Kluge, the person cast as Linus Van Pelt. Kluge had multiple spotlights and was known for his character’s hilarious speeches and the drawn-out dance break in “My Blanket & Me”.

“Being a member of a team to me means that you are willing to work with other teammates to accomplish a goal. In a team, there are many people, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses, but working together allows you to improve yourself and others with your own skill sets,” comments Emily Romo, who acted as the loyal best friend of Charlie Brown and the majestic World War I flying ace, Snoopy himself; and his charismatic alter ego Joe Cool, “Additionally, being part of a team means that you can make new friends and make connections that can last a lifetime.”

“Being part of a team means to help each other out and work hard to do your absolute best.” Replies Luca Caligiuri, who starred in the show as Charlie Brown. Known by Snoopy as the “round-headed kid” as well as by his little sister Sally for his stupidity, clumsiness, inferiority, and lack of confidence, he proved through trials, tribulations, and many destroyed kites that he really is a good man.

That same question was asked to the crew and directors.

“Being part of a team means working together to reach a common goal and cooperating to accomplish that goal.” States Caris Lopez, who helped out a lot backstage and with the spotlights and recording of the play.

“Being part of a team to me means that we all work together, to communicate our ideas and have as much fun as possible.” Backstage crew Neima Moore responds. Moore assisted in handling and transporting set pieces.

“Team to me means collaboration. Listening to each other’s ideas, trying new things, making bold choices, learning from each other, and figuring out what works best for everyone involved. This team involved with the play did that,” Ms. Jessica Seipp, our amazing assistant director replies, “Together we made something very special and something that we were proud to share with our school community. That could not have happened if we did not work together as a team. I am very proud of them.”

It’s very right of Ms. Seipp to be proud of everyone involved, with all the effort all parties put in. Heaps of money were spent renting set pieces, and days worth of effort were spent creating props and backdrops. The theater department is grateful for all of the hands we had on deck for helping us behind the stage, as well as at the lighting, sound, and concession booths. Two acts were full of songs and scenes, costume changes, and moving large props with the right stage directions for everyone on stage and everyone backstage; it was a lot to memorize. Pulling off the first successful musical performance in Santa Rosa Academy’s history took time, patience, and the collective responsibility and effort of everyone. With friendship comes great teamwork skills that were necessary for this production, and with friendship comes happiness.

In the words of Schulz, “Happiness is anyone and anything at all that’s loved by you.”

Shulz’s definition of happiness is a central theme to the musical, having the closing song “Happiness” dedicated to that quote. In that song, the characters express what happiness means to them. I felt it was only appropriate to ask those who put this whole performance together for their spin on the definition.

Now, a month later, the group (and every other person in Dr. Monica Jackson’s theater classes) looks forward to the future productions of next year. The money raised from shows and fundraisers may hopefully be able to be used for funding involving the theater department as a whole, to further improve the performing arts of Santa Rosa Academy.

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