Biopics show the story of somebody else’s life from an outsider’s perspective: the director the movie is led by.
Recently, there has been a popular demand for biopics on musical artists—for example, the movies Elvis and Bob Marley: One Love. Many fans want to see their favorite artists on the big screen; whether an Advertisement or a discontinued series.
It’s been 63 years since the Beatles’ initial debut into rock fame, but they still have countless dedicated fans – young and old.
Like many influential artists, The Beatles have had countless movies with different story renditions and tweaks. However, Sony’s movie company decided to take a new approach to the boy’s story – Telling it from four separate perspectives mirroring the famous Quartets. However, most fans are not shaken by this format. There have been countless biopics on almost every member of the Fab Four, and even people whom they were only associated with.
The trust of this process has been put into the hands of Sam Mendes, Known for his work on “American Beauty” (released in 1999), a praised film that won countless awards such as the Oscars and Golden Globes. It has a whopping 93% on Rotten Tomatoes and a countless number of good reviews. Mendes is also known for involvement in Daniel Craig’s James Bond movie, Skyfall.
Both McCartney and Starr have approved of the production along with the Harrison and Lennon family. Giving the filmmakers full music rights for the production.
The films are estimated to be released in 2027, with the hope of filming in mid-2025.

Why Care?
Even if you aren’t a huge Beatles fan, now is a great time to learn about them and their history. The Quartet has made huge music innovations that completely changed how music came to be today. It could make you appreciate the art form even more.
Looking at the past roster of films, the Beatles drummer – Ringo – has had significantly fewer movies than the other three. A whole movie focused on Mr. Starr would show a story not usually told by directors.
What Fans Hope For
Besides hope for new content, Many fans have (mostly jokingly) mentioned moments from the history of the four they wish to see. Some moments include John and Brian’s infamous trip to Barcelona, Spain.
Fans wonder who will be cast in a new biopic coming from a big company. There have been numerous differing opinions on the topic. It is a widely shared opinion that they should at least look like their counterparts – a hard mission but one that could be done when considering Americans as candidates. Preferably, many hope the boys cast would be from England or elsewhere in Europe. It wouldn’t be out of the picture that they could hire American actors and actresses and put them into accent training much like the Elvis movie did. However, the most likely outcome would be ‘trendy’ actors to have in movies at the time.
The general hope is to have love and care to be put into these beloved artists’ stories.