The state of California has decided to ban the sale of brand-new combustion engine vehicles by the year 2035. This is part of the state’s effort to have only “zero emission” vehicles on the road, such as hydrogen and electric vehicles.
This bill accelerates the production of these vehicles, starting in 2026. The bill requires that a certain percentage of the total cars produced is composed of zero-emission vehicles, this percentage is expected to grow every single year.

The policy will not prevent people from continuing to use their combustion engine vehicles, as the main goal of this policy is to restrict the production of combustion vehicles in an attempt to phase them out. The sale of used vehicles will still be allowed, but purchasing a brand-new combustion vehicle after 2035 will not be possible in California.
The target goal in 2026 for the phaseout is to require 35% of all vehicles produced to either be electric or hydrogen vehicles; this requirement increases to 68% by 2030. The average lifespan of a car in today’s time is about ten to fifteen years, this means that with this policy, it is expected to see a majority of combustion vehicles off of the roads by 2050.
Even if a person were to continue using their combustion vehicle after 2050, there would be quite a bit of hassle as the situation would flop, there would now be more electric vehicle charging stations as opposed to gas stations. Finding a gas station would now become a difficult task.
While this is quite a bold move by the state, there is still a question as to whether or not this bill will actually be successful, as electric vehicles themselves have many limitations. Along with their limitations is the fact that the process it takes to produce and keep an electric car running is a process that releases quite a bit of pollutants as well.
“At the end of the day, electric cars still need to be charged, this power is usually fueled by coal-fueled sources or the use of diesel generators. Along with this is the production of the batteries for these vehicles which involves mining using heavy machinery, and then shipping these metals out to be processed” stated Senior Samuel Torres.

A large question comes with this bill, should people not be free to choose what they purchase? At the end of the day, modern combustion vehicles now have extremely advanced emission systems that remove a large amount of pollutants. Along with this, combustion vehicle owners still pay the same, if not more taxes to use the roadways in California. It seems questionable to completely revoke the option of a combustion engine vehicle for buyers in California.
“The introduction of electric cars is great and all but it shouldn’t stop people getting cars that they grew up loving for many years” stated Junior Jonathan Copeland.
Kathy Stevens • Apr 3, 2024 at 12:05 pm
You know, we should just go back to the horse and buggy days. Maybe that might be legal!
Kenneth • Apr 2, 2024 at 9:15 am
The state of California has not decided! Guv Newsome has decided! Looks like I 10 will be a total parking lot before we know it
Sandie Vallerga • Mar 30, 2024 at 8:36 pm
Hell no! Don’t force something on us that most don’t want.
Haley • Mar 30, 2024 at 9:08 am
I guess I’ll be going out of state to buy a gas car. I will never own a EV, the infrastructure is not there and we already have energy problems especially during the summer. Newsom needs to go.
Dawn Marie • Mar 29, 2024 at 8:44 am
Let people VOTE on this! Do not take OUR RIGHT to make life changing decisions!!
Better yet .. JUST IMPEACH Governor “Nuisance”. He is (has) single-handedly run California into the ground. WHY do people keep voting for him!?! If this truly happens, more people will be FLEEING from California because we can’t afford to live here! You think gas prices are high? Try charging your car all the time with electricity!! PGE keeps raising their rates.. And let me tell you the cost of replacing electric car batteries is astronomical. This is the most ridiculous insane thing I’ve ever heard. You think power grids go down now? Wait to everybody has to hook up and power their cars. This whole thing anger is me so much! I dare you Governor nuisance, push your agenda on everyone. NOT EVERYONE WANTS, THIS LET US VOTE ON IT. But he won’t, You know why?? Because then he would lose…. I pray he gets impeached.
Kris • Mar 28, 2024 at 6:05 pm
I like the hybrid option myself even a plug in Hybrid. I don’t want to be fully reliant on electricity alone. I’m on a limited income and so unless Gavin Newsom wants to give me a $30,000.00 down-payment and keep the interest at less than 2% and reduce electricity bills.
Tricia P • Mar 28, 2024 at 7:36 am
Do not ban our rights! Electric cars blow up.. Not safe nor mastered ability to run safely. Too expensive! We don’t hav to buy. Don’t think for VOTERS!
Adrian • Mar 28, 2024 at 12:16 am
Classic cars be over with dream cruise too
Nina • Mar 27, 2024 at 6:19 pm
Absolutely wrong, poor people cannot afford to buy much less charge your wv cars with toxic batteries that catch fire.
It should be a freedom of choice to drive what we want.
Vicki V • Mar 27, 2024 at 6:08 pm
This is a bunch of crap!!!! Electric vehicles are operating on Lithium batteries. Where are they mining lithium? They are mining the lithium from the earth/ ground. What happens when they run out of places to mine from? Come on, this makes no sense. Governor Newsom must be receiving kickbacks. Let’s talk about the weight of said batteries. They weigh a ton!!! AND tires, the list goes on and on.
Crystal Shugars • Mar 27, 2024 at 5:28 pm
Democrats don’t know how to look at the science behind every decision they make. Recent studies have shown that EV cars are polluting MORE than combustion engine vehicles. The pollution is coming from the wearing down of the tires placed on these vehicles. One other thing they forget…carbon emissions feed the trees and plants and help them grow. Take away the emissions, you essentially start killing the plants. Those plants make the oxygen we breathe. No plants, no air. No air, we die. Simple science they like to ignore.
[email protected] • Mar 27, 2024 at 1:51 pm
Certainly will never happen in California or elsewhere!!.
Deborah • Mar 27, 2024 at 1:40 pm
This is just another ploy of control and to make PG&E richer. Using emissions as an excuse. Home owners and business owners already paying to much as it is. I’m all for cleaner air but there’s got to be a different way of doing it.
Sue S • Mar 27, 2024 at 12:08 pm
That certainly will kill CA tourism business. You will not be able to drive to CA unless you have an EV. And what if you live here and have perfectly good cars or classic ones, will you have to sell them or move?
I don’t see this ever flying in 11 years! Sorry Disneyland your visitors will definitely decline in mass.
And to add insult to injury, the cost of electricity is outrageous in CA, TRIPLED IN 2 years!
Howard Kendall • Mar 27, 2024 at 5:36 pm
They will all just buy there cars in Nevada and Oregon!
Jesse • Mar 27, 2024 at 6:55 pm
I’m all for electric cars and other forms. But he’s pushing people and making them do it. And the poor in middle class cannot afford it. Or what’s left of the middle class .
Denise H • Mar 27, 2024 at 7:38 pm
And where are the charging stations? I see very few but millions of gas stations
T. Benton • Mar 27, 2024 at 11:51 am
Infrastructure is still a long ways away. Statistically, most people that own an electric vehicle, also own an ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicle. What about disposing of the volatile batteries when their life cycle has ended,? I am all for reducing pollution and global warming but if CA. Is going to make the change, what about the other states?, other countries? It’s like putting a drop of water in a bucket if everyone is not on board.
Jerrod Pickle • Mar 27, 2024 at 10:30 am
What a bunch of crap….. how much longer are we going to put up with Mr. Gavin….???? The middle class is getting tired of being told what we should drive, what we should eat, what our Environment needs. I will buy an electric car when the Secret service starts using them. Electric cars are NOT the answer , solar car are the answer. But they will not push that idea.. Have you ever wondered why???? Right now in California the most Expensive utility bill is your edison bill, “so plug in your car we will make it cheap”… just cents a day…….. but what happens when we have rolling black outs? Now your car is useless to you….. When 50 % of California goes electic cars guess what???? It will be added to your electiric bill and no longer cents a day…… funny that so many cant see this BUT ALOT OF PEOPLE DO SER IT!!! So lets continue to fight for our rights before alot of our rights are gone…..
Che' • Mar 27, 2024 at 9:56 am
Hey guys student Journalist Che’ Marroquin here I think you guys would love my article, please support young journalists!!!
Stacey Hauprich • Mar 27, 2024 at 9:03 am
As I see this Bill passing because of not clearly thinking independently people or people just believing whatever they are to to believe. I personally don’t agree with all electric vehicles, reason being what are the actual numbers of the emissions output from these newer vehicles as apposed to the production of a set of batteries (minimum 6) for all of these new electric vehicles. What happened when the batteries die? You cannot just dump them in the dumping sites they are not really reusable once they burn out are they? You can’t recycle them, I just seen a news broadcast about how there are cargo ships out in the ocean just sitting there full of used batteries because there is nowhere to take them because of all the deadly chemicals that go in said batteries. So now what Gov. NewsBomb wants to go all green. I just don’t understand what people are thinking.
Annette Parker • Mar 27, 2024 at 8:43 am
Annette Parker this unhinged, and Mean, and also unconstitutional, unAmerican typy of Overreaching “Bill” is Being Brought to California Citizens By none other than The Governor, Gaven Newsom.
What is Next, Oh He May decide to require permission from Him to live .!
Dale Campbell • Mar 27, 2024 at 8:19 am
This is my thought on them stupid electric vehicles, don’t allow it. Our government sucks they don’t even care about the people who helped them get into office they just care about is them self. They are nothing but selfish people who thinks well well I’m hire up so I can do what I want to the people that help put me in office. I can steal from this person and that person and I can get away with it and I will stay out of jail. We’re not free anymore the government is taking away from us so they can feed their own selfish needs
Barbara motto • Mar 27, 2024 at 7:51 am
Do you notice all of the cars on the road.now imagine all of them plugged in
Laura Hilbe Vasquez • Mar 27, 2024 at 6:49 am
Exactly! Let us keep buying what we grew up drooling over as far as car style goes. I mean face it, I’m one of those x gens that can appreciate a 68 mustang. A 57 Chevy. My Grandpas sporty little forest green Carmengeeia. My dad’s rare candy apple red Chevy Porsche. My zippy little 20 mile per hour high speed electric scooter, My dad’s limited edition fire red “little red corvette lol) etc…….. so thanks! I really appreciate it!
Sylvia • Mar 27, 2024 at 5:49 am
I just wonder what’s gonna happen when the grid goes down due to overload. A consumer shouldn’t be told what they can or can not buy/use for themselves. Is this another way to keep us home? Is this another way government intrudes into our lives one more time?
Sylvia • Mar 27, 2024 at 5:42 am
How many more of our God given( never government given) natural rights. AMERICANS are losing faith in those that used òur unselfish hopes for a better life as a means to their selfish need for power and money. One day soon change will happen in the blink of an eye, and almost all will not know how to survive.
Michele Dimond • Mar 27, 2024 at 4:55 am
I hope they plan on improving the EV station infrastructure in the meantime and allow for hybrid plug ins because long road trips are going to a problem if not. I’m not interested in fully EV car. Hybrid plug ins are interesting me though