“Hazbin Hotel” is an animated musical, comedy TV series revolving around the princess of hell, and the rehabilitation of demons to reduce underground overpopulation. “Helluva Boss” is an animated musical web series following the misadventures of the employees of I.M.P., a company in hell that offers hitman services to the living realm. Both of these shows are created by Vivienne “VivziePop” Medrano. “Hazbin Hotel” has a more accessible platform for viewing, as it can be found on Amazon Prime Video for rent/buy, and “Helluva Boss” can be found on Youtube.
The cast of “Hazbin Hotel” includes Blake Roman, Amir Talai, Christian Borle, Keith David, Alex Brightman, Stephanie Beatriz, Elsie Lovelock and more. The cast of “Helluva Boss” includes Vivienne Medrano, Brandon Rogers, Alex Brightman, Norman Reedus, Cristina Vee, Richard Steven Horvitz and more. “Hazbin Hotel” has been around since 2019; October 28, 2019 was the release date of the pilot for this show. The Pilot for “Helluva Boss” was released November 25, 2019; the first episode came out October 31, and is set in the Hellaverse fictional universe alongside Hazbin Hotel, the show is produced by SpindleHorse Toons. “The lore is more thought out and the songs are better,” junior, Kenna Walthall compliments “Hazbin Hotel.”
It is crucial to note that “Hazbin Hotel” is not a continued partnership with “Helluva Boss”, or vice versa. The “Hazbin Hotel” is merely a spin-off series of “Helluva Boss,” as it inherits the same universe as “Helluva Boss.” These shows do not relate to each other, as the plots are different and do not hold the same character cast.
“Hazbin Hotel” and “Helluva Boss” are both engaging and binge-worthy shows, but both shows have their strengths and weaknesses. “Hazbin Hotel” probably has the best plot, cast, character development, more complex, better soundtrack, themes, animation, dynamics, and ending. “Helluva Boss” has the best in-depth story and script, cast, consistency, arcs and peaks, cinematography, IMDB, and pilot.
“Out of the two, I personally prefer Hazbin Hotel because of its characters and dynamics among those characters,” says junior, Chloe (Corrin) Santolucito.
The superiority of these two shows is debatable since both are engaging. “Helluva Boss” is just weaker and inferior when compared to “Hazbin Hotel.” “The lore is more thought out and the songs are better,” junior, Kenna Walthall compliments Hazbin Hotel. “Hazbin Hotel” is better in developing the show which “Helluva Boss” just lacks.
“I think both shows are pretty great. One thing to note when comparing the two is that Hazbin Hotel has a lot less input from its original creator VivziePop. Hazbin Hotel is owned by Amazon and the company chooses what does and doesn’t go in the show,” commented junior, Daniel Orea.
“Hazbin Hotel” has lots of complexity in this show, and the character development towards the environment/setting is just more intact and holds more relatability. It holds real-life problems, like addictions, and change (good or bad changes), and it is more emotionally relatable towards people. Helluva Boss may have sentimental value but is suppressed by the audience.
“They are ultimately two different shows designed to teach different things and explore different topics. The way Hazbin Hotel operates is with many loud displays of its themes. It’s very literal in what it wants to say, especially in its songs. While this is great, it sometimes lacks the nuance that audiences can interpret how they want to which comes from the subtle messaging in Helluva Boss. Helluva Boss has a more quiet way of exploring its themes. The situations the characters are put in are loud and dangerous, but they actually have quiet moments within the show that encourage the audience to interpret for themselves. However, sometimes the themes can be too quiet and not all the audiences can connect to it as easy as they can to the messages in Hazbin,” commented by junior, Daniel Orea.
“Helluva Boss” is not all inferior to “Hazbin Hotel,” as there are some things that in that aspect are better than “Hazbin Hotel.” The cinematography is more thought out and the story is more consistent with the plot; “Hazbin Hotel” is a bit out of place with situations that just kind of display reality.
“For Helluva Boss I adored the show and all the character development with blitz. The jokes can sometimes be out of pocket and it can catch me so off guard which is the best part about that show,” junior, Danika Ivancic compliments.
“Helluva Boss” brings out the best cinematography in this show. Unlike “Hazbin Hotel”, “Helluva Boss” has a better visual representation. “Helluva Boss looks artsy, looks wonderful, and the depth it goes…,” junior from Elsinore high school, Crystal Solis Trejo.
Currently, “Helluva Boss” is not on Amazon Prime Video, just yet; it is found on YouTube, other than that it is not very accessible.