The pink tax is a term that is used to describe the fact that there are many products in stores cost more if they are made for women than if they are made for men. For women, items such as clothing, razors, personal hygiene products are priced higher, even if they have the same or similar features as men’s products.
The pink tax is an example of struggles that women still face with gender steryotypes and discrimination. A lot of women have even resorted to buying men’s products, such as razors or deodorant, because of the cheaper price and better quality. It’s called the pink tax because the color pink is commonly associated with feminine things.
“I think it’s unfair and that its kinda insane that its 2023 and theres a tax that are making ‘pink’ things more expensive than other stuff.” Senior Trinity Horak said.No clear justification has been given for the price differences between male and female products. The pink tax doesn’t just apply to the price differences between male and female products, with women paying an average of $300 per year for period products.
“Its so unfair that women have to pay more to live or to do normal bodily functions ‘comfortably’ ”, Junior Danika Ivancic said, “Women should have the right to live without being taxeds as a ‘luxry item’. Its not a luxury to have to be taxed for this.”
It costs women an average of $20 per menstrual cycle, and with how women are generaly paid less than men and how inflation is raising the prices of things, women will spend an average of over $20,000 in their life for something that cost ¢4 to make.
“Its just sucks becasue quality producs like tampons and pads are so much more expensive and since you dont wanna put bad stuff in your body, we have to pay so mich for good products. And every girl has their period so it sucks that something that happens naturally, we have to pay so much money for it to be good quality and not harmful for us.” Junior Jera Likins said.The pink tax is unfair and needs to change. I’m not saying that period products should be free or that women should be charged less than men for basic items, but women’s products are too expensive. We should be charged the same amount as men for deodorant, razors, clothing, etc, and period products should be priced accurately. If it cost ¢4 to make an individual pad or tampon, a box of 36 should cost $1.44 to make, yet they are priced at around $7-$9. It is unnecessary and pointless to charge women more for the simple reason that they are women.