Life turned for the worst in September 2021 for Delilah Navarro, aged fourteen. Struck by fear and shock, the room stood silent when the news was received. Questions raced through her parent’s minds and Navarro worried about how her parents felt more than she did. As the doctors around her discussed the next steps for her treatment, this marks the beginning of her long rollercoaster of drama.
Her story inspires many to find strength and hope when life throws you a curveball. Navarro struggles. Through and through the highs and lows of treatment Navarro struggled with her Leukemia — cancer of the blood and affects all organs in the body. Later, Navarro was able to ring her bell, marking the end of her treatment. especially if someone is going through treatments themselves. Starting high school is scary for most freshmen but Delilah’s experience was different from the rest. Friends and family held her up strong when she struggled the most. Delilah’s dad sympathizes through his personal experience, comforting Navarro and helping her fight.
Navarro’s aunts were devastated when they found out. “I remember my four aunts, and they are all my best friends and sisters” she said. “So, I was telling them, ‘Don’t be sad. You guys can’t be sad for me. You guys have to keep going because if you’re going to be sad I’m going to be sad.'”
Navarro is very close with her aunts, they supported her all throughout her treatment making the next steps easier to take. Nurses gave Navarro a planner that told her the days left in her treatment to keep her hopes up. Leukemia took a firm grasp on all parts of Navarro’s life. Due to her circumstances, she became depressed — starting school was a nightmare for her.

“Especially because it was my freshman year of high school I couldn’t experience what everyone else was experiencing.” she said.
Most high schoolers got to have a normal experience except her. Friends and going out were far away in sight for Navarro, but that didn’t stop her from pushing through.
As Navarro continued through treatments and kept up with school, life became easier as chemotherapy treatments came to an end. Her Leukemia was clearing up at the end of her freshman year, letting Navarro take the reins back on her life. Navarro’s father had inspired her to keep pushing through, even if it hurt him to see her suffering from Leukemia . Her father also has had cancer in the past so he knew what she was going through.
Navarro’s father knew how it felt to be going through something so drastic and life changing. He offered her the aid that he got in his treatment through emotional support. Although things aren’t always as dark for Navarro, she had her friends Lilly and Dejah to help her stand strong. Navarro met Lilly at the beginning of Navarro’s treatment, they knew to support each other all throughout each roadblock. Navarro and Deja have been friends since before her sickness. Navarro’s parents also helped her push along the journey. Navarro’s mom and dad supported her all through each and every cancer treatment.
Navarro’s dad had inspired her to push through chemotherapy even if he didn’t show direct support on the outside.
“I remember he would get mad at certain things and would do certain things that kinda scared me in a way and certain stuff like that. He would still say, ‘I’m okay’ and he kept pushing and for him to keep pushing I just thought: Well if he can do it, and he’s a big cry baby about everything, I could do it.” she said.
While in the hospital Navarro made a friend named Lilly. Lilly and Delilah both had different types of cancers at different extremes. As treatment and time went on Lilly continued to get sicker as Navarro got better. Lilly and Navarro pushed each other through treatments and kept each other strong. Lilly was very strong and it didn’t stop her from trying to make the best out of her situation. Unfortunately, Lilly had passed away due to brain cancer. Devastated, Navarro still pushed through even though Lilly, one of her best friends, had passed away.
According to Navarro, Lilly said ”We are both going to make it, we are both going to get through this.”
Navarro is an inspiring icon for many students and anyone who will listen to her heartstring- pulling journey. She is a role model student at SRA and is a star in her athletics. Through starting freshman year and losing her friend Lilly, although devastating she kept a brave face on. She is a strong headed girl who anyone can look up to for an uplifting spirit. Her walk of life through ups and downs tells everyone how tough she truly is. Leukemia was no match for Navarro and she gets to live free from the shackles of her sickness.
Navarro said, “Don’t think negatively, I know it’s a really rough thing to go through but if you keep pushing through and not feeling bad for yourself. You’re going to be able to have fun one day, but just push and keep going.“