Che' Marroquin
The man, the myth, the former principle, the new Assistant director of program development!
There have recently been changes to the culture of Santa Rosa Academy, specifically in the Administration department. Mr. Gray was initially hired as the principal for the 2023-2024 school year, after the departure of the former principal Mr. Berzon. the former principal before Mr. Gray. Throughout the school’s history, SRA has had a long history of principal and administrative changes.
I sat down with Mr. Gray for an exclusive interview in his new office located in the new student services center. I started the interview with the question on everyone’s mind: “What are you doing now at Santa Rosa?” Mr. Gray promptly responded stating that his new job title is Assistant Director of Program Development. Through this role, Gray is in charge of supporting all three principals: elementary, middle, and high school. Gray added that the administrators constantly bounce ideas off of one another including help the principals with staffing, students, facilities and/or teachers. Mr. Gray also oversees the master schedule, bell schedule, and independent studies. To summarize, Mr. Gray stated, “I do a little bit of everything.”
When asked why he decided to switch from high school principal to assistant director of program development, Gray stated: “We, [admin] had a number of discussions, the school is getting bigger, we have more issues to address whether it’s students, programs, community. I’m the liaison for our community and our school’s public relations now.” Gray emphasized the he is willing to do whatever he has to in order to make the school better. He stated, “our principals are frankly more important than me. They have a very difficult job, whatever is needed to support our school, I’m welcome to do it.”

The switch is a big one for any person to go through. So, I asked Mr. Gray how, if at all, his experience as an educator impacted the switch. He responded, “If I would have completed this year as a principal, it would have been ten years. I’ve done expulsion schools, continuation high schools, independent study high schools. I’ve seen the full gambit of education.” The job is one with many layers and intricacies that involve Mr. Gray overseeing an entire school administration, a role that requires such an extensive experience in education.
I wanted to understand how experience would help strengthen Mr. Gray in his leadership role. He says: “I’ve been an administrator for 14 years, I’ve seen it all: athletic director, assistant principal, coach, teacher. All of those roles have strengthened me and molded me into the leader I am today.” He added, “I’ve learned a lot about Santa Rosa, our communities, our families, our students. I think the most important thing is that people are comfortable. I’m still here. I try to be approachable and people can always ask me anything. All of my experiences are coming together into one job, into what I’m doing now. I think has been really beneficial.” The message of stability and remaining at a school that to be frank has had leadership and teacher turnover is a powerful message that surely resonates with the Santa Rosa school community.
When asked about the switch and people’s reactions, he said: “People got mad at me because I took this job. They said, you told me you weren’t leaving this year.” He added: “I’m still here. I still see the kids. My door is always open.”
When asked what is new focus will be in his new role, Gray said, “I really want to build up community. We’re going to be pushing the diversity here on campus [and] I’m heading the diversity initiatives and programs here at Santa Rosa.” Gray is excited to still be a part of the Santa Rosa community. He says, “it’s all different. The same, but brand new. I ‘ran the show’ for so long and there’s new opportunities. It’s a nice change of pace.”
Mr. Gray wants all members of the Santa Rosa community to remember, “I’m still available. Anyone is welcome to reach out whenever I’m still helping. I’m still working to give the school my best!”