This gavel will decide whether my family and I make it out with our house. If they’re wise enough to make the true decision.
What would you do when a well-loved family member attempts to steal and sell the house you have always lived in?
In July of this year, my family and I received a message saying that we needed to move out of our house within 60 days. My great-grandpa wrote the transfer of his house in his will. So, when he passed, we were granted full ownership of the house. All of us were frantic when we found out that, shortly before my great-grandpa’s death, my great-aunt manipulated him to change the will. The day she sent him off to a nursing home was the last time she would ever see him.
“My heart is broken that I have a sister who chose to take over my dad’s trust when he was only 113 pounds with seven years of progressive dementia. Then fraudulently quick deeded my son’s home to herself…” said my grandmother, Karen Wright.
Wright is distressed about this situation because when you grow up with someone you think you know them pretty well until they turn on you. The other victim is Wright’s grandson, my father, Edward Sanchez.
“I am very disappointed to the point where I am speechless.” said Sanchez
As I was interviewing Sanchez, he really had nothing to say. You can’t blame him, when you have been working your whole life to live in a house you can lose in a second without getting anything back. Sanchez’s wife, Nicole Sanchez was also putting a lot of work into the house. She has something to say about all of this.
“It feels like you’re getting punched in the stomach and you feel betrayed by family. I can’t believe that someone could be so evil and vindictive to take everything from her sister and nephew because she thinks she deserves it. It’s devastating to think about losing our family home but I have faith that God has a plan for us.”
Nicole Sanchez has been having a hard time dealing with the stress. Knowing a family member and trusting them just to betray the family for selfish wants. But through this season, she still has hope that God has it all handled.
There’s gloom given the foggy and muted colors, but there is still light in all of it.
I have been living and making amazing memories in this house for 14 years. In a panic, Sanchez was starting to pack up some things in the house worried we had to move out right away. As his daughter I was distressed, but no matter what I do, I will not leave. With hope, Sanchez and Nicole Sanchez were on the search for lawyers. None would take their case until November 16, 2023, when a lawyer finally took their case. All we can do now is pray that the trial goes well.