Overcoming Mental Health can be challenging, but not impossible. Mental health is the state of well-being a person is in, so being in a bad state of mental health, it can be hard to get back. The world has a lot of different opinions and perspectives and obsessing over them can negatively affect mental health.

“There are so many factors that have an impact on our mental health, including genetics, family history, childhood experiences — and even big societal issues like violence, discrimination or poverty. And how those factors affect us can change over time.” JED Foundation
When looking at the different ways mental health is affected, it can be affected by common events. Bad mental health can lead to depression, which is a horrible state to be in because depression leads to isolation and overthinking. Self isolation is very unhealthy, there are higher chances of cognitive decline and sticking to bad habits.
“Social isolation significantly increased a person’s risk of premature death from all causes, a risk that may rival those of smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity…” says the Center for Disease Control.
Thoughts are very powerful. They are very important for living life positively and negatively. Worrying about other peoples thoughts or feelings can influence isolation. Overthinking and obsessing on what others think holds back on mind growth and self respect. What the mind thinks easily influences how we go about our day. Its good to keep a positive mindset.
“Overthinking can affect how you experience and engage with the world around you — preventing you from making important decisions, keeping you from enjoying the present moment and draining you of the energy you need to handle daily stressors,” HustonMethodistOn Health

When it comes to overcoming bad mental health, it can be a challenge. It’s hard to not overthink or to self isolate. So how can you overcome it? Therapy is the perfect way. A lot of people do not trust therapists so they lie to them instead of telling them the truth. Therapists have heard some very hard and horrible stories. It’s their chosen career for you to be open and honest with them so they can help you through your struggles.
“Talking with a therapist or counselor can help you deal with thoughts, behaviors, symptoms, stresses, goals, past experiences and other areas that can promote your recovery. Of course, talking with a therapist about personal issues can be tough, but it can help you come to grips with problems in your life.” MentalHealthAmerica
The lady in this picture is talking to a therapist. She is happy because she is being helped through her struggles
Most times, people like the feeling of sadness. They feel understood through the music, poems, etc. Even though people can sometimes find comfort in their depression, it isn’t beneficial. In a lot of cases they don’t want to get better because their depression makes them feel more noticed. Even though they claim to not want the attention drawn. It is better to be misunderstood by the public but understand yourself rather than being understood by the public and be misunderstood by yourself.